Rock Slices

This is a beautiful exhibit created for the Imaginarium in Anchorage Alaska. Using polarized light visitors can explore the crystal structure of rocks, cut very very thing. Mated with this Continue →
Listed here are a few of the science phenomena based exhibits we have created for various projects. Each is the result of prototyping informing design.
This is a beautiful exhibit created for the Imaginarium in Anchorage Alaska. Using polarized light visitors can explore the crystal structure of rocks, cut very very thing. Mated with this Continue →
This exhibit was originally developed at the Ontario Science Centre. I (Matt Bates) developed the exhibit while I was working there. The version shown here is the one made for Continue →
This exhibit was first developed by the Exploratorium. It shows an example of feedback. The metal ball falls slightly, the optic sensor drives more electricity to the magnet. Then the Continue →
This exhibit was a real challenge. Many iterations of prototyping were involved. In the end we arrived at a traffic simulation that worked quite well and ended up being a Continue →
This exhibit was developed to indicate the natural long term cycles of average Earth temperature. Three sine wave frequencies are summed and the result drawn by light on a fluorescent Continue →